Gilmartins Statement on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

As an organisation, Gilmartins are following Government advice closely and taking all necessary precautions. The health and well-being of our employees and customers is our top priority. We have taken the decision for colleagues to work from home where possible. This is a significant step for us and we have taken into consideration various factors in coming to this decision.

We want to reassure all of our customers that we have put in place continuity plans to ensure that we are able to provide as many of our services for as long as possible. These are being reviewed regularly as the situation evolves and we will update our communications accordingly.

If you are visiting a Gilmartins office

Our offices remain open at this time.  We politely request that if you do need to visit one of our offices, that you adhere to the following:

·         Do not come if you are feeling unwell in any way, including coughs and fevers, loss of smell or taste. Please follow the Government advice on self-isolation

·         Do not travel to our site using public transport

·         Maintain high levels of hygiene as are being advised; washing hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water and using tissues to catch coughs and sneezes

·         Maintain social distancing (2 metres separation)

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact